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With its sturdy, long flower stems and extravagant flowers, Siam Curcuma is a welcome houseplant every spring from April onwards, giving your interior that delicious 'tropical touch' in no time.

Care tips

Your Siam Curcuma comes from Asia and therefore prefers a bright and sunny spot on your windowsill at home. But it will also do fine in the conservatory, roof or on the balcony as long as temperatures do not drop below 15 degrees Celsius. Water your Siam Curcuma at least twice a week and add a dash of liquid plant food once every two weeks.

  • Your Siam Curcuma comes from Asia and therefore prefers a bright and sunny spot on your windowsill at home. But it will also do fine in the conservatory, roof or on the balcony as long as temperatures do not drop below 15 degrees Celsius. Water your Siam Curcuma at least twice a week and add a dash of liquid plant food once every two weeks.

  • It is usually sufficient to water your Siam Curcuma twice a week. If the soil in the pot is still moist, there is no need to water.

  • It is usually sufficient to water your Siam Curcuma twice a week. If the soil in the pot is still moist, there is no need to water.

  • Has the flower finished flowering? Cut off the stem above the leaves.

    Tropical Touch

    Curcuma to colour
    your home

    Celebrate spring and summer with curcuma in your home or garden. The plants give that wonderful feeling of spring and colour from the moment they are established! Siam Curcuma is the handsome sister of the spice Curcuma, which is widely used in Asian cuisine. Curcuma originates from Asia.

    Growing assortment

    Siam Curcuma

    Siam Curcuma

    Siam Curcuma

    Siam Curcuma



    Originally, Siam Curcuma comes from India, Malaysia and Thailand where this beautiful plant is also called the Siamese or Thai Tulip. Curcuma belongs to the Zingiberace family, which also includes the ginger plant. The most common varieties are Curcuma alismatifolia, Curcuma domestica and Curcuma longa. Curcuma has been cultivated for more than 5,000 years.

    In the Far East, Curcuma has had a strong reputation for centuries. It plays an important role in Ancient Indian [Ayurvedic] medicine and herbalism and, with its slender yet powerful appearance, makes people feel comfortable.

    Siam Curcuma is not suitable for consumption. Specially grown varieties are used for cooking with Curcuma.

    plant excellence

    What we go for

    Intense colours, powerful leaf veins, and even better shelf life. Every day we are working to improve the "Siamese Tulip". 

    Frequently asked questions

    Can I use Siam Curcuma for cooking?

    The roots of Siam Curcuma are not suitable for consumption. For this, use the spice you can buy at the supermarket: Curcuma.


    When is Siam Curcuma available?

    Siam Curcuma is a seasonal plant, and therefore readily available from April to September at various plant sales points in Europe.

    Where is Siam Curcuma available?

    You can find Siam Curcuma at various plant sales points physically and online such as, for example, at

    What to do when the flower has finished flowering?

    Cut off the stem above the leaves. This keeps the beautiful green part of the plant and gives more energy to the other buds and flowers.

    Question, answer

    Is your question not listed?

    Do you have any questions about caring your Curcuma, or other questions not listed here? Ask Martijn.

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